Saturday, December 18, 2010

Happenings over the last T-H-R-E-E + months!


  By Popular Demand, of course. Duh!

This is going to be one heck of an update in one!
Mostly pictures. But I will come back and touch on most of these, a little at a time.

                     Dylan started 3rd grade the end of August & loves it!
                               He has 2 teachers and really digs having his first male teacher.

Lyndin Ayla Carroll
made her debut
August 29th
6:08 pm
7 lbs. 9oz. - 20 inches

Ethan started preschool the first week of September.
He LOVES it! This is his very first year!

                                         Aiden finally got a haircut. All those curls gone.
He looks so handsome & grown up now.
He did not enjoy his first haircut at all....
and dreads going back.

  We did the Balloonfest again this year. {September} It was so fun!  

       We also participated in the Alzheimer's Walk again this year.
{Sept} Including Lyndin.  :)
Chad celebrated his bday like ten times.
     this one topped it.... with an emergency candle & all.
      It even beat out the Muse concert! Seriously.
           He told me so. {October}

There's this place called Fiddlesticks Farms in Midland, TX
be very jealous if you didnt get to go.

Dylan was presented a Bible at
First United Methodist Church
in Midland. Big Day!

We had a fan-tab-u-lous HALLOWEEN!
The kids got a TON of candy!
And got to hang with cousin Jayce!
Always a win, win kinda thing.

Thanksgiving was spent in Oklahoma City
because that's where Daddy is. Ah, the life of an Air Traffic Controller.
Just know these guys really, really have to know their sh*t.
Anyway, we had a nice few days visiting.

    We actually decorated super early this year.
         Like 2 weeks before Thanksgiving or something like that.
           Since Chad was leaving for OKC the middle of November.
              Hurry up January! We miss having Daddy home!!!
Ethan is FINALLY Santa's homeboy!

And I shall elaborate on all the subjects you want me to I want to!

Thanks for stoppin' by!!!



My hair hasn't been cut in a ridiculously long long long time!
And no I'm really not going for the whole Rapunzel look.
But it is what it is.
And I wanted a change without cutting it just yet.
So change I got.
Big big big change. Wow.
I'm still a little in shock.
This is a big deal to me, my hair & my kids.
So if you don't care, then don't proceed.
So here begins my journey to RED! 

    These were the 2 colors I was debating between.
  So much so I went ahead and bought them both.
The plan was to dye it red first.
Then black, if I hated the red.
BLACK!? Yeah, I know.
Like I said, I wanted change.
     I almost backed out when I saw it was like
Ketchup red in the bottle.
But I calmed down after 3 shots of Tequila.
 I did start mildly panicking when I realized how much hair I had & couldn't really dye it by myself like I intended. So I called in my hairdresser [aka the hubby]. This was fun. For him & me. We will never do that again! haha And this is when he informed me that there's no way in hell that one bottle of dye was covering my hair... awesome right?! Yeah, again... it has been years since Ive dyed my hair myself. And I forget just how much hair I have. Anyway. We got it as well covered as possible. 
Then I waited....
With hair that now matched my towel.
Then I rinsed it.
Looks like a crime was committed here.
Just a little, huh?

    Seriously I am surprised my entire shower isn't still Red.
Bleach is a good friend of mine.

            After blow drying it... I see all the spots not dyed.
Awesome. Zebra stripes.
  Now that IS what I was going for!
                                                   Not awful, but not good either.

  So I call my 2nd hairdresser [aka sister]
and she comes to the rescue!
This time I am prepared. TWO more bottles
and she DRENCHES my hair!

                   So much so that Im gettin' it splashed onto my forehead.
                    She's trying to pretend she didnt just do that on purpose.
But I KNOW better then that.
And the shower was awesomely RED yet again.
Good times gettin' high off the bleach.
After just gettin' thru with the hair dye fume high.
Awesome. Anywho!







A small difference.
I know right?!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Getting Ready for Baby Girl : Part Two

Me & my baby girl {in that BIG OLE belly}
*notice the lurking toddler.... such a Mama's boy!

We have the swing all put together and ready for her!
Right now a little girl dolly is in her place until she arrives.
The boys are getting excited... well, Dylan & Ethan anyway!
Aiden will be surprised thats for sure!

Her little teeny tiny girly outfits are all ready for her!
Oh! I am in heaven everytime I look in the closet & see
all the PINK!!!!  Love love love it!!

We are counting down the days until she will grace us with her presence!
Apparently she is teaching us patience right now.
I cannot wait to have her in my arms very soon!

Enjoy the funny picture.

And please do return soon!
Us Carrolls in Abilene

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Nobody's Grass is Greener...

August 13, 2006.....
on this day I married my best friend.

Universal Studios Orlando {'07}
Thanksgiving {'05} Anyone remember Chad's black eye?
Yeah, it was still healing here. hahaha
The beginning. {October '04}
The first time seeing each other again.{after all that time} 
There may or may not have been big sparks. 

{'06} Pregnant with Ethan   : )  
{'08} Beginning of the Air Traffic adventure.
Right before moving to OKC and then Denver.
He turned into a dork for me.
Or maybe he was always a dork.
{March '09} We've decided I've looked like this our whole married life almost.
{pregolicious} Maybe we should knock it off already! haha

4 years and counting.....
Happy Anniversary to Us!!!!
{I love you so much, honey!}

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Summertime : Fun in the Sun!

So this summer we bought a little pool.
The kids LOVE it!
It's been a lifesaver in this heat....
especially for the prego types.

These are the pool guys and
 One insists that he be nude on the job for some reason.

What's summer without a popsicle for each hand?
Anyone jealous of this kid? Seriously?
Nothin' like relaxing with a child on your back.

Aiden is turning into a little daredevil. He loves this!

Seriously, I am lucky. Very lucky.

I think these two ARE in fact related.

Peace out.

'Til next time....